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To Yank a Tiger by the Tail Page 6

  “Ahhh, nope. Me first.” Zhara held up a staying hand when Dax tried to say something. She figured she was coming off as crazy, pissed-off bitch, when Dax’s mouth opened and shut a few times like a fish gasping for air.

  A waitress appeared out of nowhere and put two bourbons down in front of Starl. To Zhara’s surprise, after a moment’s pause, Starl pushed one over in front of Dax. Dax grunted and did one of those man nods before accepting and shooting the amber liquid back.

  “Now then. You walked in on me merely thanking Starl for escorting me around. Nothing more. He’s been a true gentleman and a perfect new friend. So I’m sorry if you misunderstood anything, but after what happened with Sparrow, I needed a friend, and Starl stepped in.”

  She paused, waiting for Dax to say something. When he didn’t, she continued.

  “I was an ass the other night. I overreacted and bolted. For that I apologize. I truly, deeply regret my horrid and immature reaction. I swear to you, Starl picked me up, explained about how his sister can get, and took me to his parents’ bed & breakfast when he guessed I didn’t want to blow the money the lodge wanted for a room.”

  Zhara caught Dax’s nod in appreciation to Starl, who sort of grunted in reply.


  “Charisma called needing something as we headed to your parents’ house. Since I wasn’t sure what reception I would receive from you, Charisma offered to come and give me a ride home if needed.”

  Dax’s head popped up as if thoughts of her leaving without him had jolted him into reality. Charisma did an awkward wave at Dax. Her friend always joked about how dreamy she thought Dax was.

  Little did Charisma know how close to truth her thought was.

  “She arrived, we said goodbye to Starl, and boom, you walked in.” Zhara caught a slight movement of red off to her right and turned to see Maxine, the loud bitch from the diner, scooting closer, eavesdropping. “Oh, so sorry, should I speak louder so you won’t miss anything?” She so wasn’t up for the nosey-ass bitch interrupting her explanation. Zhara turned back to Dax. “How did you know I was here?” The thought of finding her and walking in like he had sat wrong.

  Dax didn’t say a word, but pointedly glared at Maxine.

  Oh, hell no. Time to play whack-a-bitch, er mole.

  Chapter Ten

  After the cops left, and things settled, Zhara accompanied Dax and Fin back to their parents’ place. Surprise, surprise, Charisma followed Starl to his parents’ bed and breakfast.

  Color her stunned to discover Starl was an attorney. Not a practicing one, but a licensed one nonetheless. Though they missed the deadline for filing Charisma’s order, Starl said he’d help her file the new one and accompany her to court if necessary. Even Dax seemed taken back by the kindness Starl bestowed. Zhara hoped the families could find some common ground now and move on more peacefully than just agreeing to cohabit in the same town.

  They rode in an awkward, quiet, third-wheel kind of way. They were in Fin’s truck, and discussing the important details of their reconciliation didn’t seem appropriate with a sibling witness.

  Once they’d pulled up, Fin left without needing to be asked. He actually sprang from the vehicle like his ass had caught fire.

  “Wow, he sure wanted out of here.”

  “He’s never been one for serious talks with women. Breaks out in hives and shit.” Dax snickered toward the back of his fleeing brother. “Hey, there’s something I want to show you.”

  “Sure.” Anything to buy them some more alone time. When she went to retrieve her purse, Dax stopped her.

  “Leave it in the truck. I’ll lock it, and you can grab it on the way back.”

  “Um, okay.” Her stomach somersaulted nervously. She prayed he didn’t want to suggest they move their relationship more slowly, and break the news to her out here, privately.

  “Wait here just a minute. I’ll be right back.” Dax took off into the house.

  Zhara hugged herself against the chill and listened to the sounds of the night. Owls hooted nearby and, if she wasn’t mistaken, the soulful howls of a few coyotes sang in the distance. She’d heard stories they’d migrated to these parts.

  “Back.” Dax handed her a jacket before he slid a backpack over his shoulders. Watching his muscles bunch to accommodate his maneuvering reminded her how Dax looked naked. Oh, yeah, those were images she wanted in front of her. Now, preferably.

  Dax held his hand toward her and she took it. She trusted him completely when he began guiding them into the woods. The evening had gone from dusk to pitch black quicker then she’d thought possible, but still, Dax led them deeper into the forest.

  Finally they came to the opening of a cave.

  “When I was a child, and anything bad happened, I ran here to escape.”

  “Like how little are we talking?”

  “From as far back as I can remember. My grandfather brought me one day shortly before he passed. At first I came as a tribute, I think. After I realized my brothers didn’t know about the cave, I came to escape.”

  “No one knows about it?” Zhara asked, touched by his story.

  “Not until”

  Dax’s lowered voice was all the warning she received before he was on her. Her feet left the ground and their bodies came flush, molding into with one another’s. Having Dax holding her like this again when yesterday she’d thought they were through felt like heaven on earth.

  His kiss took, claimed, and demanded. He devoured all she gave and wanted more. He made her believe she was the air to his lungs. That without her, he’d die.

  Thing was, she felt the same.

  He broke them apart. Rested his forehead against hers as he fought to take a steady breath.

  “There’s more.” He reached into his backpack and pulled out a flashlight before leading her into the mouth of the cave. They walked deeper within until the shaft opened widely to reveal a large pool illuminated by the now-risen moon. The sight was breathtaking.

  Dax let go of her hand and pilfered his pocket before he disappeared into the dark shadows along the cave’s walls. She caught a faint whisking sound before the cave came alive, swathed in the warm glow of torchlight.

  His back still faced her, but she became aware he was retrieving items from his pack.

  “Thought a few things might come in handy.”

  He laid a blanket upon the earthen floor in front of the reflection pool before them. He intended on romantic, which it was, yet she needed more. Sensed he did as well. So as he straightened out the spread, she removed her blouse. By the time he turned back to her, she was slipping her skirt down. When her bare mound came into his view, not even the shadowed cave hid the desire burning in his eyes. His pupils dilated and his appearance became downright feral. If not for the sexual need singing in her veins, she might have been cold. Nothing, however, could penetrate the molten lust driving her movements.

  His gaze zeroed in on her nipples. Chocolate kisses, he called them. Corny? Hell, yeah, but she liked his pet name. So when she sauntered, teasing him with each slow, precise step, she made sure to sway her hips enough her breasts bounced. His hands became fists as he appeared to fight his instinct to approach. Once she reached him, she lifted his shirt over his head to bare the six-pack abs that haunted her dreams each night. Going on tiptoes, she nipped his flat nips until he hissed and she caught his hands reaching for her.

  “No.” One word. One powerful, small word stilled his movement.

  She lowered until she rested on her knees before him. She grasped the button on his jeans and popped them open. The heavy veins disappearing beneath caused her mouth to salivate in anticipation of what would come. Dax’s erection pressed against the ungiving denim in a seemingly uncomfortable manner, and she took extra care when lowering the zipper. The second she scooted his jeans past his hips, his cock bobbed free right at eye level.

  She couldn’t resist an early tease and swiped her tongue underneath the broad, bulbous head before droppin
g farther to remove his pants completely.

  Again, she caught a slight movement from his arms. She suspected he’d restrained himself from grabbing her by the back of the head. She laughed, low and seductive.

  “Not yet—tiger,” she purred.

  She unlaced his boots and removed them so she’d be able to get his pants over his now-bared feet. Once she’d removed them, she tossed them over by his pack and aligned herself eye to pecker. She drew her gaze up to his and her breath stalled. His teeth had elongated, and a fierceness reflected from his gaze.

  Okie dokie, no more teasing then.

  She passed her tongue along the seam but didn’t take him within her mouth. Merely traced the outlines, veins, and ridges that adorned the part of him that made her weak in the knees. Zhara rested her hands on hair-dusted thighs for leverage and slowly worked him with both hands and mouth in unison. Oh, he’d tried before, but now apparently he couldn’t refrain.

  Large hands encompassed the back of her head and urged her forward. A wordless plea to take him deeper and suck harder. Even engrossed in what she hoped was his euphoria, he never forced her, only let her feel what he needed.

  Right as she sensed a build, that subtle surge in girth, and readied for his release, she found herself flipped face down and ass up. High. One arm encircled her waist, holding her in place and the other braced on the floor next to her. Though he’d dropped onto a hard floor he didn’t seem pained in any way, and in one swift thrust, he slid home.

  And that’s exactly where he was, home. She’d prove that to him.

  He gave her a moment to acclimate to the sudden intrusion—not that she needed it. The minute he was naked, her body primed without forethought. She reacted to her mate.

  A firm hand pressed her upper body flat on the floor, and the arm beneath her waist yanked her pelvis higher for a perfect alignment. The storm that assaulted her next left her gasping for air and anything coherent. Dax owned her. In every way possible. And the primal ride he gave tore past sexual and strode straight to her soul. A moment later, and she felt his chest to her back and his mouth on her neck. He suckled gently, then bit. Hard.

  This wasn’t was a mating, pure and simple.

  Under the shimmering of the moonlight and water Zhara gave herself over to Dax. For now and always she would be his, and he hers.

  Later, while they snuggled on one blanket and under another Dax thankfully had tucked in his pack, Dax pulled one more surprise.

  A shiny, antique, heirloom engagement ring.

  Though she’d already committed, she remained mum while Dax proposed. On bended knee, nude in front of the illustrious reflection pond.

  No one was taking this moment from her.

  Not even her.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Zhara.”

  “Happy first Valentine’s Day to you too.” She giggled, wondering how he’d ever top this Valentine’s Day.